Tuesday, September 14, 2010

He's looking at other girls!

My boyfriend is looking at other girls!!! We're strolling down the street, on the sidewalk, hand in hand, and his eyes seem to follow other girls' butts like magnets.

I confronted him on that. His reaction was: "... wut?... "

That evening, he took my hand and sat in front of me. He took a calm voice. Brian reassures me that it's purely unconcsious... Okay, but it bothers me. It makes me feel like he always has to "shop" for other girls while being with me...

Brian used to clam up when I got mad about it. He's taken the time to explain to me that he understands how I feel and that guys will always have something very "animal" into them that drags their eyes towards girls' butts. It's unconscious, genetic, sort of.

"I love you and you can bet your life on it", he says to me, gazing straight in my eyes. "Infidelity is when a guy really thinks - I mean consciously - about going with another girl and/or actually comes to do it."

I admit it takes a lot of self-convincing to digest all that. But I can tell you that Brian really walks the talk. And I am not particularly a jealous gal. I'm 20-something and I've seen others. Not many, but some.

Brian adds: "Look at it this way... I'm an ordinary guy and looking at female butts is what we instinctively do and, between us, it's a sign of health. A healthy guy's mind thinks of it and needs to know "it's still there" to stay confident, to function."

Well, I can tell you my guy is working properly. From then on - well - I'm slowly getting used to seeing him "noticing" (as he now puts it) a breast here and there, and a cheek or two. We now joke about it. I don't go as far as to compare what he sees to what I have because I know I'll end up dramatizing. I know I do.

Some article in a girly mag (I've forgotten where) says that when a girl forces a guy out of his natural way, either he clams up and starts playing behind your back, or he doesn't feel comfortable anymore with her; he gets less and less satisfied and wants to leave.

I get the message. Occasionally, I elbow him to "lovingly remind him" but it always ends up in a wink and an "I love you".

"Fictitious happier girl"

by Ana

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